Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Battle

I finally got my chance to get my revenge on the suitors. They were all trying to sting my bow that Eurytus’ noble son had given me, for the first one to string would wed Penelope. Clever Penelope, she knew that I was the only one who could string it. As they were attempting the impossible, little did they know they were being locked in. After a brief distraction from Penelope and Telemachus, I had the bow in my hands. How good it felt to feel such a familiar object. The smooth wood felt like it belonged in my fingertips. The sturdy string that had accompanied me on dozens of hunts had never felt stronger. I quickly strung the bow, and to the suitor’s astonishment, shot an arrow cleanly through all twelve ax handles.

After I fired the arrow through the ax handles, the slaughter began. I quickly put another arrow onto the string of my strong boy and fired a screaming arrow through Aninous’ throat. Then with my gallant son Telemachus, and my loyal companions Philoetus and Eumaeus at my side, we destroyed the rest of the suitors. It felt as though one thousand pounds had been removed from my back after the battle was over. I realized that after twenty long years of war and painful traveling, my journey was over.

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