Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Circe's Island

At first I loathed Circe’s, as any man in there right mind would, for she turned half of my men into swine. I wanted nothing more than to have her head. However, as I walked to Circe’s cave, I realized that I did not have a plan. My problem was solved when I ran into Hermes. The mighty god gave me a magic herb that mad me immune to her potions, and gave me specific instructions on how to deal with her. His plan worked because before I knew it, Circe was kneeling at my feet and my men had been transformed back to their human self.

After I made the bewitching goddess repeat a binding oath that she would never harm my crew or me ever again, I decided to let my crew rest for a couple of days. We feasted on sides of meat and heady wine. The couple of days turned to weeks, then months. And as I watched the season’s role by, Circe grew on me. She offered me her bed, food, shelter and I began to trust her. One day, after a year had gone by at Circe’s island, a crewman came to me and complained of his homesickness of Ithaca. That is when I realized that all this food, shelter and Circe’s herself was like a lotus. During the time that I spent at the lustrous goddesses island, I had completely lost desire to return to Penelope and Ithaca. I decided that I would not let the island’s beauty phase me no more; I would return to Ithaca.

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